I'm really sorry, but I have to review this in a negative light.
I am a huge fan of the SAW movies, so I was very interested in viewing this, and had high hopes.
Unfortunately it let me down. The first sign of disappointment was at the beginning, where you've voiced over "Hello newgrounds public". You could have at least used a sound editor to make your voice deeper. It just seemed really silly and couldn't be taken seriously.
The placement of music was pretty poor too. It didn't seem to flow, and was interrupted by new streams of music at different points.
The whole style of the editing just seemed very low-grade and could have been vastly improved.
However, you didn't do such a bad job on the modelling and animation. The room in which the scene was set was actually quite impressive.
So to conclude, your claymation is pleasing, but sadly let down by your unpolished Flash editing. Practise a bit more with that, and maybe even look up some tutorials on hoiw to improve it, and you'll end up with a great result.